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8 Results
Description Item number


Thimble with bar
Thimble with bar
A4 10mm

Item number: 8636410

Unit** : 10

Thimble with bar
Thimble with bar
A4 12mm

Item number: 8636412

Unit** : 10

Thimble with bar
Thimble with bar
A4 14mm

Item number: 8636414

Unit** : 10

Thimble with bar
Thimble with bar
A4 16mm

Item number: 8636416

Unit** : 5

Thimble with bar
Thimble with bar
A4 18mm

Item number: 8636418

Unit** : 5

Thimble with bar
Thimble with bar
A4 20mm

Item number: 8636420

Unit** : 5

Thimble with bar
Thimble with bar
A4 6mm

Item number: 8636406

Unit** : 25

Thimble with bar
Thimble with bar
A4 8mm

Item number: 8636408

Unit** : 25

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